Mt. 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
You've got to be carefully taught
Jesus is pretty clear about us remaining childlike. I suppose the crux of the issue would be how you take that suggestion. I like to think it's about all the good qualities that children have. They are filled with wonder and awe. Think magic tricks and bugs, butterflies and rainbows. The simplest things will amuse them, a song, a cardboard box, playing in the dirt. Kids see what we might consider impossible things as possible. Think all the things they 'want to be' when they grow up. Think the excitement of entering a contest on a cereal box that they just know they'll win. Think generosity and love, sharing an ice cream cone or randomly giving hugs out like they are free! I think kids and I think these things and more, all good.
This is what Jesus is talking when he wants us to remain childlike. Filled with wonder, trusting, loving and generous.
Somewhere along the line kids lose that ability, those magnificent traits. The new slate that is celebrated at Baptism becomes shaded, jaded if you will. I'm not sure who is responsible for this change but I do know it's by example. I can't help but think of South Pacific and the song that goes "You've got to be taught to hate and fear, you've got to be taught from
year to year, it's got to be drummed in your dear little ear, you've got
to be carefully taught". It's so true.
This reading is so clear about this it is another charge to us. We should foster and respect a childlike nature in all of us. We should be equally serious about what we show others in how we live so they don't get let astray by our example.
Keep the wonder alive in our hearts.
So true.