Monday, August 13, 2012

Matthew 17:22-27
       Taxation with representation

       Everyone has things in their lives that they hate to do. Some things we may refuse to do, put off to another day or do very grudgingly. Todays reading is about one of those subjects, paying taxes. I think we are pretty much all on board about the value and need of paying our taxes even if it is quite a national issue right now during this election year.

       So, in my own meditation about things we hate to do that started with taxes, it came around to politics. That happens to be another subject most people have no desire to get involved in or discuss in public forums. 
       But here's the thing. There are things you hate to do but you do them anyway, you have to really. You may hate to clean but you do it anyway because you might wind up living in a house that resembles a hoarders heaven. You can supply your own list of hate to do things as well I'm sure.

       If you happen to be gay, you have to get involved in politics, now more than ever. Your future rights as a citizen, as a human being, may be determined by this election. I don't think that is too much of an overstatement. Of the charges that Jesus made, this reading was about the necessity of you paying taxes. His big charges, the two great commandments, were His most famous charges. Love your neighbor as yourself and love your God with al your heat, all your mind and all your soul. That one about loving your neighbor and yourself. If you do love yourself, respect yourself and value your own freedom; if you love your neighbor as yourself, other gay and lesbian people, then you MUST get involved in politics NOW. Complacency is not an option and it is a charge of our faith, of Jesus who commands us for love of our brothers and sisters to act on their behalf and our own behalf.

       As gay humans, created by God with love, with inalienable rights granted by Him, we must stand up for our own rights, our dignity and people who will represent and promote equal rights for us under the law.

         Remember, taxation with representation.

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