Saturday, May 19, 2018

Debtors prison

     When I was a bit younger I was very unwise with money. I lived well beyond my means and was in serious consumer debt. It took a wise mentor, a concerted effort and many years to return me to the plus side with greater financial freedom. If given a free reign many of us succumb to the temptations all around us, easy credit, Madison Avenue trying to convince you that you want and deserve every new toy and you simply must keep up with the Jones.

      It seems to me there is another kind of debt that we incur as well. God gives us quite freely and graces us with inordinate amounts of love, relationships and opportunities. I would say that God loves us with reckless abandon.  When we look at our lives and see all those gifts, graces, talents, treasures, what do we do to repay all that?  

       Eons ago, I had been asked by an old pastor to speak to the parish community on tithing. He was an unusual Irish Catholic Priest in the best way possible. First, a Catholic parish tithing seemed unheard of. Father saw that I was giving religiously each week and decided I was the one to speak. He wanted me to convince the parishioners to, at the very least, make a concerted effort at giving. Make it a budgetable item, not nickeling or dollaring like so many people do.  Further would ask that we try to approach a goal of 5 %. 
( an actual tithe means 10 % ). He wanted me to convey that we surely give to so many other worthy causes in life, which was in essence giving thanks to God, that we should consider a defined amount and that only 5 % should be our goal. I myself was giving nowhere near 5% but I was consistent.

     The point is not to determine how much money you give to God via some church establishment, though they have real, legitimate bills like everyone else. The point is, what if anything do we do to repay all the gifts that God has given us? 

       Consider: how much in debt are you to God?

Our Father in heaven,
   hallowed be your name. 

Your kingdom come.
   Your will be done,
     on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our debts,
     as we also have forgiven our debtors. 
And do not bring us to the time of trial,
     but rescue us from the evil one. 

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