Exodus 13:3-10
Here’s my position on slavery, I am against it in every form. Sadly, slavery is still quite present in the world, whether in the strictest of terms or in the broadest.
The concept of buying another human requires enormous mental and moral contortions. There was a time when even major religions sanctioned slavery, somehow deeming certain people less than fully human. These ‘people’ were even determined ( by unholy decree? ) to be without souls. The basis seemed to be rooted in the fact that it was mentioned in scripture. By that estimation then adultery is ok, murdering one’s brother is ok, rape and incest would all be ok. You can read it yourselves, a great deal of Scripture is hard to read without flinching or retching. Scripture must really be read in context at the very least.
If you can, put that aside, and think of all the other forms of slavery. Slavery to drugs, alcohol, sin of course, slavery to bad habits and the list goes on and on.
So this is not simply a position piece, let’s have the big reveal. This last Sunday was Easter. The whole idea and one of God’s greatest plans in His Son’s dying and rising is to set us all free from slavery, slavery of every kind. In Jesus’ life here on earth he did not seem to seek equality with the Father but he clearly showed that he believed in equality of everyone. The rebel that I have spoken of who socialized with all the worst sorts, chatted it up with that Samaritan woman ( Samaritan: bad; women: chattel ), listened to and cured that Roman Centurion’s bed mate and so many other examples. Jesus’ arms were spread wide while he was alive and spread wide at death in openness and willingness to suffer and die so all of us, every human, so that we can know we should no longer be slaves to anyone, anything and not even to ourselves.
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