Tuesday, March 6, 2018

God's spies

Matthew 18:10

     I am a very animated driver. I am a bit inpatient with what I perceive as laziness, stupidity and worse, taking actions that are self centered and put other drivers and lives at risk. How's that for justification!  So I am animated and vocal  inside my car. 
S o m e t i m e s   an expletive comes out. Sometimes.  Of course now that we are grandparents we posit an imaginary question of one of these kids inside the car as to what 
"xxtk!" means. Like, "Grandpa, what does AH mean?" Yikes. So there has been a few less expletives tossed around inside our car as I drive. We do not want the kids getting a new and improved vocabulary from us.

      Today's passage from Matthew makes note that there are angels out there reporting directly to God about our behavior. Interesting concept. We certainly can act differently when we think we are alone or with a bunch of friendly co-conspirators.  We may tend to forget that God really does not need any angels reporting our bad actions. I am picturing our guardian angel going "ooooooo, maaaa-an!  Did you see what he jus did?"  God sees it all and knows it all. I am sure God sometimes smiles at our immaturity and I am equally certain that God sheds a tear when we royally screw up hurting others or disrespecting ourselves.
God really weeps at what we do in this world. 

        For me, I hope I can be present enough during the day to always act and love properly. Not only do I have a guardian angel but I have grand kids that may rat me out as well.

        For all of us, whether we start to think of our guardian angels, our locker room talk, our secret impure thoughts or ways we act , how can we start to look at these things to move us forward on our way to wholeness and the way God created us to be?


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