Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Our" , us and them


         It's not always easy to think about who "our" is.  It encompasses everyone on this planet (perhaps beyond), every being on this planet. Still we have a capacity to dismiss whole groups of people from our consciousness. We have the uncanny ability to diminish others as if they don't count. 

         It's the adult version of who "Daddy" ( Abba ) loves best.  If we diss our neighbors, our brothers or sisters, people we disagree with or people we deem "less than intelligent" we diminish God. God loves everyone, all creatures.  The fact that we can speak in a derogatory manner about people from the US south with redneck jokes, or how Canadians speak  demeaningly of people from New Found land as "Newfies" speaks to our attempts to make us seem better than them.  Can you imagine the scenario when some one disses your sister and you pummel the person?  'You can't say that about my sister!' Why do we feel we have the freedom to speak about others in such a demeaning way?

          When people speak in disgusting terms about the LGBTQ community, quite often people are defined by an action or a perceived action instead of as a person.  In spite of the fact that this is horrendously wrong, it fails to recognize the totality of the person. It fails to recognize the goodness of a person as created by God. It fails to recognize honest loving, committed relationships where specific acts have no meaning and have no basis for judgement.

            When I say "Our", how broad a spectrum comes to mind?

            When I was in the Seminary, we were taught about philosophy, souls and levels of creation. This dismissed the idea of animals having souls and thereby diminished and demeaned animals. At the time I was an avowed cat hater. Not that I would ever do anything evil, I just disliked cats. I now know I disliked the cat owners who took their responsibilities too lightly.  After a new friends cat died things changed for me. I become a bit more enlightened. This cat, a companion of 17 years died, leaving my friend devastated. He loved this cat. The cat was a companion more than many people are.  When I recognized this and when sometime later, I met my friends new adopted kitten, I fell in love. I am hopelessly smitten. I have come to see "Our" includes the face of God in the animal kingdom.  What love and what freedom to love! I see God's divine graces in the animals all around. The woodchucks in the fields, the pets, the deer grazing in the woods. The "Our" becomes quite expansive.

           I am charged to try and recognize the brotherhood in all of God's creation. How about you?

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.
   Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us each day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,

 For thine is the kingdom , the power and the Glory. Amen

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