Sunday, December 1, 2019

Preparing to be a woke Christian

       I have to confess that I am one of those nuts that really drive other people nuts. I am one who could play Christmas music all year long and certainly push the envelope as to when I can get away with playing it ( the day after Thanksgiving?? ). I also have been a pest as to how soon I can put up the old Christmas Tree. This year, with family coming for Thanksgiving I was actually encouraged to have the house look extra festive. I am not really sure I keep Christmas in my heart all the year round. I am not sure I am prepared for Jesus' incarnation, His second coming or for the end, but this reading from Matthew sure makes me think about that.

        Of all the idiosyncrasies about this holiday season, I almost despise the commercial aspect that seems to dwarf any religious meaning. Madison Avenue has hijacked the season. The madness has escalated to having stores open at 6pm Thanksgiving evening and goes on all through the night. I lieu of that, stores open at really ungodly hours enticing the 'faithful' into mobbing stores, mowing people down for bargains on items they don't need and likely with money they don't actually have for people they may not actually even like.  Not the ideal for Advent, eh?

         So as much as I might like to keep that spirit of Christmas in my heart 24/7/365 and be prepared for Jesus' arrival, I am appalled at what the Advent season brings. I feel like the Grinch.  There was one year I actually sent no Christmas cards at all because that was an easy way to lighten the burden of the season. If I haven't spoken to you all year long why invest the time, energy and hassle sending you a card?

         To top things off for me, there are the pseudo religious zealots who embrace the season by their annual onslaught against people who say "Happy Holidays!" instead of the apparently required Merry Christmas ! Oy. Get with the program, the baby Jesus is not looking for for proper words but proper hearts!  In that regard, Happy Hanukkah! Guess what, Jesus is Jewish! So as these zealots appear each year with car magnets proclaiming to "keep Christ in Christmas " which I should be applauding, I find myself saying simply, how about we just try to keep Christ in Christianity!

        Advent is a challenge for sure, at least for me.  How do I ( we ) keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts the whole year long? How do we become 'woke' Christians so that the love, camaraderie, generosity, giving, celebrations and joy last every day of our life?
It's a challenge for sure but the challenge can seem more intense and wrong hearted during the season that is supposed to highlight the exact opposite. I am not going to advocate for everyone to not send any Christmas cards to family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances as a solution. I think we have to come up with our very own personal solutions. This is perhaps part of the preparation of Advent.  We know something good is coming, we know we have reason to celebrate and prepare. We do need to make time and we do need to spend time ( rather than more money ) at things that highlight the true reason for the season.

       For battles with materialism and time that seems sparse, we pray to be woke Christians and always celebrate the gift God has graced us with. Most assuredly that is the gift of God embracing our humanity to help us, to love us and show us that we can do it, we can be holy, we can be all God has created us to be.  Thank you baby Jesus! 

        ......and we pray.


Matthew 24:36-44

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