Saturday, November 24, 2018

Notches on my bedpost

       Today is the feast of Saint Andrew. There is not a great deal we know of him but he his mentioned in Scripture several times and most notably as the brother of Simon Peter.  His legacy in the Christian churches has been one noted for bringing others to Christ, a personal evangelist. It seems that is really what all our lives should be, eh?  They will know we are Christians by our love ( in action ) and respond in kind. That is, becoming a follower of Jesus based on our personal example; seeing the merit and glory of The Way.

        I hardly think though that we act, serve and love based on our desire to convert others, like we have notches on our bedpost as to how many we have converted.  What we do is act out of faith, love, thanksgiving and joy and rarely do we see the direct results of those actions.

         We contribute to the cause by our love in an unknowing way but filled with faith that we will have some effect in God's plan of salvation.  Even as faithful, we may not be fully aware of the legacy of who brought us to faith.  It could have been a word uttered by someone, an act of love by a faceless individual in God's name.  

          Our journey to wholeness and contribution to heaven on earth, God's plan of love for all of us, is not something we measure in human terms. We act faithfully and lovingly without a score sheet or ledger to keep track. We love as God loves us, blindly, openly, completely and with reckless abandon for our fellow beloved creations. 

           No notches here.


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