I don't know if anyone else finds it as fascinating as I do but looking back at Scripture from today can be a real interesting read. Case in point: today's passage about two blind men. That seems like a fairly simple statement for today. Blind = cannot see. The truth of the matter is a bit more complex.
It is not so different from passages where we hear about a leper. Today we can identify the bacterium that causes the disease of Leprosy. They had nowhere near that depth of knowledge back in Jesus' time. Probably out of fear and safety for the real disease of Leprosy, the ancients included anything that might even be close to Leprosy. I have said this before, psoriasis, fungus, even mildewed animal skins and a wide range of skin infections were labelled as "Leprosy". It was safer that way I suppose in lieu of real scientific knowledge. After all, real Leprosy did exist in the world.
How about being blind? I am quite sure that too encompassed a whole range of sight erosions, eye infections and of course, true blindness, either congenital or as the result of trauma later in life.
But there is a common thread that really is important to our understanding of this passage. Whether it is Leprosy or blindness or any other form of illness or handicap, they were all viewed as a punishments from God. Perhaps the result of a parents' sin or a sin of their own, a real punishment from God. Amazing when you think of the knowledge we have today. But viewed as something that was God's will or punishment, these people were to be avoided at all costs. They were akin to the devil or at least the devils minion. They had incurred God's wrath and that had to have justification - 'God said so' , apparently or obviously. Jesus reaching out to these men is astounding!
Jesus having compassion for the blind men is no less astounding than one of us reaching out to any number of outcasts today. Someone with AIDS perhaps? How about someone who is poor? Some actually feel that poverty is God's will and that wealth is a gift from God for a life lived in concert with God's good wishes. Just looking at Donald Trumps life and it would convince you, that premise is not true at all. Some might say that being born in the United States is God's gift to it's citizens. Being born outside the US, those not quite as blessed? Well that is God's punishment ....for something. What is horribly ironic is that the policies and businesses of the United States itself have caused much of the global inequities that people flee from. Our politics have supported horrific regimes that cause people to flee to the United states, a safe haven for hundreds of years. A land of opportunity and safety.
Our general lack of understanding, or ignorance, or bigotry, about a great many things should never stand in the way of our love and compassion for others. We should always reach out in compassion to others, even if we feel they are guilty of some sin or labelled as unequal for some reason. That is what Jesus did. We are called to love and compassion if you believe in Jesus at all.
Matthew 20:29-34
As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. There were two blind men sitting by the roadside. When they heard that Jesus was passing by, they shouted, ‘Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!’ The crowd sternly ordered them to be quiet; but they shouted even more loudly, ‘Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!’ Jesus stood still and called them, saying, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ They said to him, ‘Lord, let our eyes be opened.’ Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him.
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