Sunday, March 4, 2018

And now, for something totally different, a pro-life reflection.

     Sometimes I think my blog is like a diary because I invariably interpret the days events in light of my faith and it works it's way into my blog as a movement of the Spirit. That's what the writers of the Scriptures did, right? They took their lives, their journey of faith and with warts and all, wrote about their relationship with God.

     Sometimes I think I am preaching to the choir and other times I hope that I can be of comfort to at least one person struggling because I struggled and especially if they are a member of the LGBTQ community.

     Recently I have been aware that the readings that I’ve been writing about have been about children and so it is true again today. Today’s lesson is based on prayers for children and families by the Church of England. I so much want to say something important and meaningful and even more so, I pray that someone who needs to read this will somehow see it. I pray for the conversion of hardened hearts knowing full well that people with hardened hearts won't likely even see this. Miracles happen though.

There is so much talk about being pro-life on the right side of the aisle . Making statements as a faithful person, you cannot be simply and myopically claim to be anti-abortion and at the same time dismantle and dismiss support for human beings from the point of birth until death. I see that more as their being simply pro birth. You cannot claim to be pro-life and vote against child welfare, food assistance, student meals, medical assistance, a good and decent wage that can support a family and care to the elderly and into death. All of these things are what being pro-life is about. When you are simply anti-abortion and vote against the rest you are simply pro-birth and clearly not any kind of Christian that Christ would recognize. The adage what would Jesus do? is quite valid. 

      During Lent I want to get in touch and more fully engage my humanity. God created each one of so uniquely, with gifts, talents and quirky smiles and perhaps a wicked sense of humor.  You know, all the things that make  While that is certainly true, we must then respect everyone else's journey on their path to discovery and wholeness. That respect is called being pro-life and I'd suggest we support it any way we can including engaging others to that same realization, supporting legislation and legislators that see the big picture here. What we really stand for.

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