Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Remember human that you are dust . . . . . .

Happy Ash Wednesday !

     Many years ago  I was on a retreat in the Canadian Rockies.  On one particular morning I arose and walked into the midst of the valley where we had camped. I was there with mountains and enormous rock formations all around me. I felt like a speck in the midst of creation. At the same time I had an overwhelming sense of one-ness with my surroundings, like I was at home, like I came from the dirt, the dust. One creation.  Still, there was the majesty of which I was an integral part.

      So we come from dust. The message is not to delve into our insignificance but to delve into the majesty of which we belong, of which we are. Lent is about entering fully into our humanity, our dustiness and our glory.  

     Jesus' journey from Incarnation to God's gift to us in His death and rising is also our journey.  God made each of us with great intent , specificity and love. It is our journey, each and every one of us, to enter into the dustiness of life and the fullness of being human. Most especially, Lent should be a time when we enter into our very own humanity, that which makes us unique, loved and special.  Embracing our own incarnation if you will. 

       This journey of ours is not unlike a seed sprouting into a beautiful flower or perhpas more appropriate, a cocoon in which we live and on Easter we emerge as the magnificent butterfly God has made each of us to be.


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