Saturday, February 24, 2018


Psalm 139:12-13

      For you yourself created my inmost parts;
           you knit me together in my mother's womb
     I will thank you because I am marvelously made;
           your works are wonderful, I know it well.

     Every so often I am brought back to a very thin place where I learned to take this passage to heart. I was on a labyrinth in Manhasset, New York. Sadly, the whole place has been torn down but the message received by me is forever etched into my heart and soul.

     On any given day there are probably millions of births on this planet of ours. We tend to think of them in biological terms. As a parent involved in the birth of their child we might see the miraculous nature of this event. Not so often though do we think of our own birth.

      Even less frequent, if ever, do we think about our conception in the mind of God. There is a moment in time as measure it, that God made a thought that what his created world needs is YOU and it was done. The rest might be biological but it is by God's choice and the design of God in every molecule and fiber of your being that God decided you would be you and God said, "this is good".

        If Lent is obliquely about getting in touch with our humanity, the real task if you will, is to find the uniquely human being that you are. Discover that person, revel in that person, promote all that that person has to offer, all that God created in you.

      This is no small task, a lifetime may not be enough time if you decide to appreciate and look at yourself. But it awesome. It is humbling. It is a magnificent task, like a flower unfolding or a butterfly being born. Unique. Lovely, special, Godly.

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