Saturday, March 5, 2016

Lenten journey: extra crispy tasty bits

      I was watching a cooking show recently and the chef was preparing Duck Ballotine. One of the many attributes you want to achieve is crispy skin. Who doesn't like crispy skin? Doesn't everyone go for that right off the turkey or the roasted chicken? This is where my mind went when I read in Hosea today For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings.
The burnt sacrifices correlated in some perhaps warped way to crispy skin.  I even like the crispy ends of  prime rib.  But is that all we want?  Don't we wan a good tasting meal?

      I have a penchant for good food, both preparing and eating. Fortunately God blessed me with a husband who is even better than I am and I'm no slouch. But is that all we got married for, good cooking?  It's as if God is saying I don't want the tasty bits, I want the real deal, the real meal.  We acknowledge as much when we don't settle for a good cook as a spouse. We want intelligence, the 'spark' and of course love.

      In the Gospel today, Jesus addressed those who think the are far superior religiously. Their hearts are pure, they fast, they do 'all the right stuff' ,they have tasty bits so to speak.  It all looks so appetizing. But where is the love? Where is the mercy? God apparently wants more from us that rote obedience to laws. It's not just about us, it's our hearts for sure but isn't about how we interract with everyone else? Perhaps just as much?

       Then too, to perhaps drive the point home, Jesus is letting us know, who are they (we?) to judge how great they are? Instead of building ourselves up by tearing others down, let God be the judge.  Our hearts and minds should be better occupied by cooking with good hearts, being the best we can and not worring so much what the other fellow is doing. In point of fact, you might find you don't measure up as well as you like to think you do.


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