Thursday, April 10, 2014

Higher power and energy suckers

John 3:31-35

            I know I relayed this story before but it seems appropriate to mention it again now. A coworker comes into my office crying, hysterical even, "I am soooo sorry, I dented your car". I am more concerned for her, she seems terribly upset. Finally she asks me "aren't you upset about your car?"  I told her of course I'd much rather not have a dent but it is after all, only a car. No one was hurt. Cars can be fixed or replaced, people are more important. P.S., the car is now fixed and as good as new.

             There are people however that seem to get upset and into a tizzy over ever little thing that happens in life. Perhaps they could be called energy suckers or vexations to the spirit. No matter what, they are way to busy to be around and there isn't an ounce of calmness in them. These would be the people I have experienced on a silent retreat - they can't remain silent.

            What keeps a person calm, self assured and at peace? These are energy givers of the world. The exude peace and tranquility. Faith is certainly one attribute. The knowledge that you are loved, just as you are, happy with who you are and at peace with yourself is a big piece of the puzzle.  This is intricately involved in your faith too I believe. When I realized God made me just as I am and that I am trying to be all that I can be, all that God made me to be, even with mistakes, I am at great peace.

            One of the challenges of Lent is to become more human, to know what Jesus experienced to the full, to embrace our humanity to the full.  The challenge is to find out who we are and what contribution we are to give as individuals to the world. When God envisioned your life, long before you were actually conceived, what was it that made God say, what the world needs is .... you? When you can gain some solid knowledge and acceptance of yourself in that realm there is great inner peace. You have an inner calm and peace and you know what is truly important.

           If you are so graced to be gay, God created you for a very special purpose. Aside all your other fine human attributes, you experience the world in a different way than most people, your perceptions are different and your gift to humanity is broader than most. Many of mankind's great gifts were given in cooperation with themselves as a gay person. One need only look at human history and see just how many great artists, composers and leaders were gay. In spite of the Roman church's protestations to the contrary, many holy men and women were gay and actually saints.

            Ask almost any gay person and they will attest to the great inner peace there is simply by acknowledging you are gay.  This is really true of anyone who figures out their place in the world, their true gifts and talents. All of this comes from God, created by God in goodness and love no matter who you are.

           You can be an energy sucker by not cooperating and focusing on minutiae and worldly concerns or you can be an energy giver, at peace knowing what is truly important, embracing yourself and God and what we have to be truly thankful for.

The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks about earthly things. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, yet no one accepts his testimony. Whoever has accepted his testimony has certified this, that God is true. He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure. The Father loves the Son and has placed all things in his hands.

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