Luke 14:1, 7-14
I am notoriously bad with birthdays outside my immediate family. Sometimes I remember and will give a call or a shout out on FaceBook but otherwise I look at my lack of attentiveness as a fault. To counterbalance this somewhat with another habit. When I listen to people, and I do try to listen intently, I often get a picture of the person and what they like. Often I will be somewhere or on line and see something that I know the person will like. It's not a birthday, Christmas or any other occasion, I simply buy this meaningful gift and present it. This is often met with some consternation because they feel obliged to reciprocate and I have left them no easy means of repayment. But that is the thought really. No need for repayment.
I recall a time when I invited a couple for dinner and we were never able to find a suitable time for me to go to their house for the required quid pro quo. I didn't feel it necessary but they did and the frustration was palpable as if I had one-upped them or was holding something over their head.
I can think of several other examples where I was was the one ill at ease. I believe what feeds this feeling in part is a poor self worth. I didn't feel worthy of accepting gifts from people. It was not until I really felt worthy inside myself that I was willing to accept and also to give more freely.
In this passage we are encouraged to give particularly when the person cannot repay and give freely with no expectation of reward or repayment. It is with a joyous, thankful heart that I feel we give best and most generously.
I encourage everyone to give with a joyous thankful heart. One thing I will warn you about, be prepared for those that feel the simply must repay you. Just give joyously and abundantly in the same measure God has so graciously gifted you.
I encourage everyone to give with a joyous thankful heart. One thing I will warn you about, be prepared for those that feel the simply must repay you. Just give joyously and abundantly in the same measure God has so graciously gifted you.
On one occasion when Jesus was going to the house of a leader of the Pharisees to eat a meal on the sabbath, they were watching him closely.
When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable.
"When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of honor, in case someone more distinguished than you has been invited by your host;
and the host who invited both of you may come and say to you, 'Give this person your place,' and then in disgrace you would start to take the lowest place.
But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher'; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you.
For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
He said also to the one who had invited him, "When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid.
But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.
And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."
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