Monday, June 17, 2013

That second mile

Matthew 5:38-42

                 Recently, we spent several days biking in Acadia. Some of the hills seemed daunting and yet we strove to make each day a little tougher and each ride a bit longer. On our last day we asked for recommendations about a ride for the day. We were told of the 'around the mountain ride'. We were admonished that for the first hour we might perhaps curse our choice but things would get much better after that. We were indeed faced with incredibly challenging hills that seemed to never peak and that switched back and forth as it climbed the mountain rather than go around it. It was incredibly tough but we never relented. What we found was great reward for the rest of the ride. Yes there were more hills but none as tough as the first. Further, we were rewarded with spectacular scenery that few others would see. We saw trails that few would dare to ride and we had an incredible sense of pride at what we had accomplished when we returned.  At church on Sunday I heard of a man who is riding his bike across country - for the second time - so I know not to let my head get too swelled on my accomplishments. Still, I know we did a great job and had a terrific time.

                  This is all about going that extra mile. Long intro I suppose. Yet, my point is that we often live such simple, complacent and ordinary lives. It seems nothing exciting happens and we would dare not pray for something else lest it be too traumatic or too complex. The rewards though of moving out of our comfort zones, of going that second mile or trying something new is what makes us better, stronger and more appreciative. All pluses.

         Now, I don't really live an ordinary life to begin with. I am not complacent or take my life for granted. I am fully aware of the great gifts I have been granted and I appreciate every day with my husband, our cat, the 'kids' and even the humble place we live in. Still, to grow and expand our minds our experiences and our love, we need to move beyond our normal. We need to go the second mile.

         As one of God's glorious creations we are meant to grow, love and blossom. You just can't do that without  reaching out and going that extra mile.


‘You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.

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