Monday, December 24, 2012

Advent Day 23

Christmas Eve day         Advent day 23

          The day is almost here. I recall family members at this time actually just starting to shop for presents. Of course that's not the whole idea of Christmas but some of us are late shoppers. I myself am a planner. I suppose it's one of the reasons I started an Advent mission here on my blog. A time of preparation and a time for waiting. Well the time is almost here.

          No scripture reading here today, simply thoughts and reflections on a the season of preparing and waiting. I think the key to a successful anything is in the preparing. As we prepare to receive gifts, like  the ones that God offers us every day, but especially tomorrow, I cannot help but think about the preparation.

         Yesterday at a luncheon we held here for some friends, the discussion turned briefly to people being outed. I am the first to say that being yourself is a gift from God no matter who you are but being gay is a joyous gift to be fully embraced. That is a gift I'd like everyone to open this Christmas. But being outed is like spoiling a gift. You are not letting the person unwrap it themselves, slowly at their own pace, appreciating every glimpse of what's inside as you unwrap it. No, outing is certainly not a good thing. And conversely, hiding who you are is not good at all either.

         God reveals his love for us tomorrow by taking on human form.  If you are gay, God gave you that gift at birth. The process of opening that gift should be a planned methodical process. You should open it fully only when you are ready. The process should be planned for you and you alone. Like the journey of an Advent blog, the journey of life and the journey to wholeness, coming out should be savored and cherished and opened only when you are ready.

          The beginning of that journey could begin for you as a gift to yourself tomorrow. Start your own journey to wholeness as a gift to yourself. If you left the planning for Christmas to today, a last minute shopper so to speak, decide today that tomorrow you will give yourself and God the gift of a journey of wholeness together. You and God.

            My final thoughts are that you seek out a midnight service in celebration of the birth of our Lord. This is usually a very special service with revelers of all kinds in attendance. The energy and love that is there could be yet another gift to yourself. Food for the journey ahead.

            Open your presents slowly, savor the moment.


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