Mark 9:2-10
The Brilliance within
In this scripture reading "Jesus was transfigured before them". The reaction of the apostles was to make something lasting, build a structure for Moses, Elijah and for Jesus. That is often our reaction to big events, to show how much we love someone or to memorialize something. I am not going to say there is some necessarily wrong with that. It seems to be something hard wired in us. If you look back in history, there are stunning examples of this concept, the Taj Mahal, The Pyramides. In our own time, roadside shrines abound. Washington DC is afloat with monuments of all kinds.
The real story though is the brilliance that Jesus was transformed into. Actually, I think it's possible that the brilliance was always there, it was that the Apostles were able to catch a glimpse of the brilliance of Jesus and the glory that is his.
We each have that brilliance within us. God created us that way. We try to remind ourselves of that I think when we choose white for so many of life's spiritual and special occasions. The Catholic Church calls it "putting on Christ", wearing white for Baptisms, first Communions and Weddings. And let me add, white at weddings is not for purity (sexually) but for the pureness of our souls and our love.
What we each could use are not ex-ray glasses, ( as interesting as the concept sounds ) but special glasses that will allow us to see the goodness and Godliness in everyone. We all have it. We don't really need glasses though, we can train ourselves, we can change our perspective and we will be able to see the brilliance of the configuration in everyone. Some hide it better than others, but it's there.
Can you see the brilliance in yourself?
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