Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Matthew 13:36-43
     "Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the  field."

      I'm struck by the fact that the disciples want Jesus to explain the parable of the wheat and weeds again. The reading for us was several days ago. In real life, to the disciples, it was the very same day. I find a comfort in that. These holy men and women asking Jesus to explain again what the message is because they didn't quite get the parable. And you know, Jesus explains it for them, probably a bit more to the point but he does. Jesus could have thrown up his hands but he simply explains it again.

    How often do we need to have things explained to us again ? a message we should know?  a mistake we made before? The disciples, those men and women followers of Jesus, were not quite that dfferent from you and I. I think we need to be reminded of that! They did not study and give a doctoral discertation on ancient Hebrew scripture. They were ordinary folk who loved to eat, drink and sit by a fire with each other.

      But if there is one thing I would stress that we should not forget, that we should repeat until we know it in our guts, as well as knowing our own name without hesiataion - it is that God loves us. Yeah, I know, I know. But what I mean is that God loves YOU the individual, infinitely and immesurably. In fact, if you were the only person on the planet he still would have submitted to the cross for you - that's how much God loves you. Remember that but don't worry, I'll explain it again, and again and again and He will show you again, and again and again.
God loves ( insert your name here ).

        Sprout and grown my little blade of wheat, reach for the sky, bask in the Son !

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