Thursday, July 26, 2012

Matthew 13:10-17

   Having eyes and not seeing, having ears and not hearing. I guess this problem has been around awhile.  Jesus seems fit to speak about it to his disciples and He is really repeating what the prophet Isaiah said countless years before, You shall indeed hear but never understand, and you shall indeed see but never perceive.

     In the political maelstrom that we are now in, where candidates spew forth thier agendas and lies about thier opponents, I can't help but think about this reading. Do any of these people really listen to each other? Does the public listen to each side or simply demonize the side they dislike more for whatever reason.  Personally I think the 'right' is far less adept at listening. They have ears that clearly don't hear.

     Of course aside from politics, the ears that won't hear and eyes that won't see scenario isn't any more evident than with , sorry, the 'right' and evangelicals who condemn being gay. The anti-gay bigots seem to be fixated on a sexual act as if that defines being gay and I assure you, it does not. They read scripture but seem fit to read into that text what they want it to say. Scripture is taken out of context, is the victim of dubious translation and is used to support an agenda rather than the love of God which is what scripture is all about, isn't it? I can try to explain until I am blue in the face that an attraction to the same sex is not a perverse act, it is not a lifestyle but a gift from God. It is context in which a person seeks to find the love of God and hopefully another to live out the love of God and to show that love of God to the world in a life well lived and loved. Even when a couple has lived 50 years of committed monogamous love, some people will not see a life well lived and loved.

      Lastly, this scripture calls to mind our daily condition. We rise, eat, get to work, accomplish our assigned tasks, seek the end of the day or the weekend, come home, eat and return to slep. If we see ourselves in any of that routine, do we 'see' anything going on during that day? Do we see any love going on around us. Good deads? God's wonders? Charity? Fogivenss? Are our eyes actually seeing what is going on around us, what we are actull participating in and are we actually present? Are we there?

     Yesterday I woke. I tried to be present to the scripture I was reading and tried to give silnce and time to God who is trying to speak to me. I drove to work and saw my neighbor , the deer. I siad "be careful" and continued on my drive. I tried to be present to the computer order entry so that patient may get the loving care they deserve and need. I spoke with a supervisor who wanted tell me she was coming to my office next week because she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I listened with my ears AND my eyes as she spoke insorrow and fear. I tried to be present, her and feel her pain. I came home and shared a wonderful bike ride among the vineyards with my new husband, my love. Afterward we had a picnic in the park. I tried to be present to the surroundings, the beautiful weather, to the delicious food that was perpared. Later still, I was very present to the gifted pieces of cake that my coworker gave me along with some ice cream from snowflake. As my love and I ended our day and looked forward to a good nights sleep we took in one more sight as we ate our desserts on the couch, we saw a beautiful sunset over the sound and could not help but hear and see what God was trying to say. I heard God's voice saying, I am here. I am present to you. I am present in the love you two have for each other.

     Be present today. You have eyes to see and ears to hear.  Use them.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! With all the thoughts flying around in my head I find it hard to be present but it is possible. At our wedding a few months ago a made an effort to stay in the moment, to enjoy the incredible gifts G-d had blessed me with - finding the most wonderful man in the world to spend my life with, having our commitment legally recognized by the state of NY, being surrounded by friends and family to celebrate the occasion, and at age 53 to still have both my parents around to witness my finally getting married.
