Tuesday, July 24, 2012

     I decided to start this blog as a means to express my own spirituality and to share it as a source of comfort and growth for everyone who might be interested.  It is an outgrowth of my daily Lenten and Advent refletions that I wrote on my Facebook Page for the last two years. This blog is especially for  those in the LGBT community who are often marginalized and lead to beleive they are not worthy of God's love and that they are certain to go to hell in a handbasket.

      Without getting into any scriptural exegesis of any passages that might passingly be used to condemn or elevate gays, all I want to state is that we are all, the Beloved Disciple in God's eyes, in God's heart and in God's mind.  The title for this Blog is based on references in the Gospel of John. Whether or not these references refer to an intimate relationship between Jesus and John (it probably does not), it clearly shows a deeply loving and close relationship between them.

     Of a practical note on format, it is my intention to offers scriptural commentary that will enlighten, elevate and perhaps be a cause of profound thought and self examination. While I am the product of a strong Roman Catholic backround, I often decribe myself as a recovering Catholic. This Blog will not be limited to any dogma , religion or philosophy since all of God's creation is a revelation and His/Her wisdom is found in the many facets and the many corners of the globe and universe.  No discipline in itself is the one true course, no single discipline is the one true and entire revelation.



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