Jesus fully submitted to his crucifixion. Of course we know that he did that for us, so that we might taste new life, have a share in the imperishable inheritance of God, the Father, Creator, lover of all that is.
That makes it sound sound easy, maybe even sanitary. He willingly did so. So easy. I loath the Passion of the Christ for its disgusting, rabid and gratuitous blood shed. I think it serves to minimize the gory, almost diminish the horror. The only saving grace if you have seen it is to know that Jesus saying yes was far, far from easy.
Recently I heard the story of a young woman who threw herself off a highway overpass, killing herself. I wonder what kind of anguish, guilt or mental torment drives a person to do such a thing. Part of me knows the anguish of that. The realization that I am gay when I was married and an ordained minister in the Roman Church is not something you tend to cheer about. No matter what my course of action, I felt doomed. I am sure you can see the opposing sides as much as I did. Under the situation, I was graced with numerous people whom I believe were sent by God to guide me. They did not speak for me or act for me but helped me with questions and insights that allowed me the peace to make my the correct decision, my decision, the direction God would want me to take. In the end offering oneself up in submission to God is all we can do. It is a matter of arrogance, fear, unfaithfulness or perhaps illness that has one make a permanent and irreversible solution for such temporary pain and anxiety.
I now know in the most intimate ways how someone feels when they are faced with the kobayashi maru scenario - the apparently no win situation. I have the deepest empathy for someone who thinks death is the only solution. To give in to God and let the chips fall where they may, knowing God will be beside you is a difficult one.
Perhaps a gay person coming out has a closer idea of what it is to say yes to God, to say yes to whom God created you to be in spite of what the world may think, your family may do, the backs that might be turned against you.
For saying yes to God, even in the face of interminable anxiety and the unknown, we pray. For Jesus showing us the way, we give thanks.
John 19:30
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished". With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
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