Was Jesus gay ? That sure gives the Hunky Jesus contests a new slant on things. I am sure some people would think even the question as blasphemous. That same person considers me blasphemous for asking and more so for being gay myself. Blustering aside, there is evidence that Jesus could have been gay.
Let me first note, what would you call a 33 years old single Jewish man? Now a days that might not muster any raised eyebrows but in Jesus' day, 33 was pretty old. Would he be viewed as 'dedicated batchelor'? Usually a Jewish young an would already be married. Of course that argument is almost comical bordering on the cliche.
Let us look today at the last supper and the disciple John. John was a younger man and he attached himself well to Jesus. In fact, at the last supper it is noted that he is resting his head on Jesus' chest during the meal. Was John that young as to be a child who would rest his head on an elder? I think not. John was in fact an Apostle. Then later we get another clue. John the Evangelist refers to himself as "The disciple whom Jesus loved". That seems pretty clear. Why is it that no one else refers to themselves that way? Scholars will argue this point. I myself have thought how wonderful it was that John grasped the fact that Jesus loves him. We should all feel sure enough to say that. Jesus does love us. But again, did the other Apostles and Evangelists not feel that way or simply didn't think it important enough to mention? Further, when Jesus asked Peter 3 times "Do you love me?" it was not with the same intent. The original texts do not use the same words.
There are other more subtle clues. The naked young man in the garden of Gethsemane. Who was that with Jesus? There is also the time Jesus cured the male lover of that Roman Centurion, his "Pais". It was perfectly normal for a Roman Centurion to have such a relationship in a foreign land that they occupied, far away from Rome. There is no note of Jesus chastising the soldier or even mentioning the relationship. Jesus simply cures the young man. Is it because to Jesus , it was a non-issue?
At mid afternoon today, Jesus will have given his last breath and died for us. Just before he did that he gave these directions: ( John 19:26-27 )
Jesus, therefore, seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing by, saidt o his mother: Woman, behold thy son.; Then, he said to the disciple Behold thy mother.; And from that hour the disciple took her to his own (home).
In light of all the information, I see this as a handing off or reminder of the responsibility of an in-law. Did Jesus see that kind of relationship and responsibility with John? Mary seemed to honour Jesus' direction as well, another 'approval' of whatever relationship John had with Jesus.
Does it matter that Jesus might have been gay? It certainly does not. It may make me feel like He understands me even more as a man but that is a mere possibility. What is truly important is that at 3 this afternoon we will have seen Jesus give up his spirit and breath his last breath for us - all of us, no matter who we are. That is what Jesus' entire life was about.
Jesus' inclusiveness and love points to both His Divinity and our divinity. It offers us the opportunity to rise again anew both now and for our heavenly inheritance. A somber day that points to Jesus' generosity, inclusiveness and love for all.
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