I have met a great deal of new people recently through my travels. There is a woman whom I became friendly with, we shared ineterst in our same sport, both from the medical field, loves animals, volunteer at our respective churches and neighbors as it turns out. Perhaps a bit older than myself and I love the Texas drawl and smile that seems ever present on her face. Turns out she went to the doctor last week and she confided that she'd been told to 'get her things in order' because she has one of those cancers ( that I was familiar with ) that has a particularly high fatality rate. Progress has been made I do know, but some diagnoses are clearly much worse than others.
Worship of idols as noted in this passage is not something I would associate with my frined. Not a slave to fashion and living a faithful life of joy in relative simplicity. When I think of jolts, I can still recall a friend who worked for Apple. She stayed year after year while she got richer and richer, a powerhouse for that company who previously had a similarly powerful job for the government. She delayed retirement time after time and eventually, retired. One month later she also discovered she had the same cancer that my afrorementioned friend has. My rich Apple frined died within 6 months.
None of this is news really. People seem to die all around us, every age, every situation. Lord knows I have seen enough in my time just because of my day job. It seems though as we get older, we see more and many more of them are our frineds and family. I think that is one reason I decided to retire when I did. Not only are people dying but I have had a few rather serious calls myself. No time to waste then , eh?
Tonight will be the last supper, Maundy Thursday. Celebrating the Passover meal, not everyone at the table realized what is going down. Everything was just fine. Passover dinner with Jesus! Does it get any better than this?
And then the other shoe drops as it does. All of a sudden there is a tectonic shift in our reality and priorites seem to fall right into place. Nothing in life seems easy except at this moment, we know not to be worried about what shoes to wear, what school, what house, what jewelry, phone, etc. etc. We know what is important but we more often than not, get zero warning. I am certain the Apostles had no idea what was really about to go down. I am sure Gladys and Sue had no idea what was happening up until the monet the were told 'get your affairs in order'.
There is no meditation or call to action that I can muster up. For me, there is a realization to be present to the life we are living and a sincere thankfulness for everything and mostly, everyone we are graced with. In thanksgiving and somber presence this Maundy Thursday, we pray.
1 Corinthians 10:14-17,11:27-32
Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord.Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup.For all who eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgement against themselves. For this reason many of you are weak and ill, and some have died. But if we judged ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world.
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