Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Today's passage tells us to 'fix the words of God as an emblem on your forehead' and to 'bind them as a sign on your hands'.
There was a time not too long ago when hanging an incredibly large and ornate cross on one's chest was popular. It would have seemed more likely to be seen on the robes of some Eastern Orthodox Patriarch than on someone wearing a t-shirt and jeans. The bling seemed designed to assure that the weight alone around your neck would be a constant reminder of how you should behave and who your Savior really is.
When I was in the seminary I ran across an oversized weighty text that spelled out the myriad assignments of robes, sashes and the religious accoutrements necessary for every occasion. I will not bet on whether you would be surprised or not at the extent of official attire required to function properly in the Roman Catholic church. All I can say is, Jesus wore a simple robe and sandals with dusty feet underneath. It is sad to think that adornments and dress become a norm and it would seem almost a mortal sin if such attire is not adhered to.
Isn't it sad that we would need anything other than our actions to show or prove our faith? I am reminded of the saying attributed to St. Francis that admonishes us to preach the Good News always and if necessary, use words.
The real message is right there up front in the first line of today's passage. Like a good writer, start off by 'telling them what you are going to tell them'. It simply noted to keep the words of God in our hearts. From there we get to ways to accomplish the task.
I am not going to advocate tattoos on foreheads, blingy crosses emblazoned on your chest or even a string on your finger to remind you 'who loves ya baby'? Whatever we do I think it should be something personal, practical, meaningful and unobtrusive. Perhaps you might consider a humble wooden cross held safely to your chest under your clothes? Perhaps a Franciscan Cross? This seems like a great idea to bring Lent and your entire life forward with a plan to make God's word always, willingly and intentionally close to your heart.
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