Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Mothers-in-law

       I suppose it is fitting that as Mother's Day draws close I am reminded of having been blessed with two wonderful Mothers-in-law in my life, Johanna and Marilyn.  It would be impossible to compare just how wonderful and loving each of them were. They differed in almost every way except one, they had boundless inclusive love for their children and by extension, me. We are all truly blessed in our Mothers and whether you are emulating Mary or your own Mom, the constants are love, generosity and wisdom.

         In today's passage we find the first Apostles being called, professional fisherman by trade.  Jesus calls them to become 'fishers of men'. Quite a change of calling I'd say. My first mother-in-law raised 9 children. By all accounts she was a model Roman Catholic wife and mother. That is, until she saw the light.  At a certain point, about the time her youngest was in high school, she decided to get her GED. Then her nursing degree. Then a Masters degree, then certifications as a counselor. She also informed her husband that it was now his turn to cook and clean. He retired, she entered the work force. Eventually she became the head of the Disabled Student Services Department at a major university. She had several thrusts to her career. One was support of LGBTQ rights. This mother of 9 wore a button that said "Don't presume I am straight". Love her still. She was someone who inched open the door for me as a gay man.  However, the story I am telling is how she seemed to have changed course in her life, very much like the Apostles did when they went from searching for fish to men.

       Johanna would routinely ask me what I wanted to be 'when I grow up' or what area of my life was left unfulfilled. I always had thought I might want to be an architect. She encouraged me to do so if that is what I wanted. I suspect she may have had an inkling that what I really wanted was a gay man! When I finally did realize I was gay and asked her daughter for a mutual release of our wedding vows at the age of 50, Johanna was welcoming of my yet to be husband as he attended family gatherings with me. 

         This probably is as much a testimonial to mothers-in-law as it is to the Gospel message. That message is that we never really know where our future will lead us.  Often we are blind to the joys and gifts that await us. Life with beauty and bounty beyond what we could have ever imagined. Part, if not most of that joy is cooperating with the will of God.  If we listen we will hear. God speaks to us always. It may not be to become 'a fisher of men' but the call is constant, inclusive and loving, not unlike the love of a mother, or mother-in-law.

        For God's call and Mothers, we pray in thanksgiving.


Luke 5:1-11

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