There used to be a show called The Jefferson's. It was a consciousness raising comedy and it was a spin off of All in the Family. Many people can still recall that opening song 'mov'n on up! to the East Side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky!' The basis of the show was how they had "made it". America has been called the land of opportunity and so it has been for countless peoples and immigrants. We have been free to live in the pursuit of happiness by our own meaning, our own faith and creation. Black, white, gay, Hindi, Yezidi , pansexual, transexual or whomever you are or worship. This is the place for you to prosper and contribute to society. And so many have and still strive to do. This is why so many strive to come to this country to better themselves.
The Jeffersons was one of those stories. The current US President might have you believe that he was a down trodden poor person that with a "small loan" from his father raised himself and made it good. He might also have you believe that he did it all himself and that God graced him to do it all by himself.
Take these examples and your own graced history and ask what God has wanted for you. Surely God wants the best for every single person, all of his creations. Have your graces come from your own hard work alone? Have there been people who have graced your life with help, support and love? Has God had no hand in your well being, progress and prosperity? Even at a level of mere survival, has there been no sign of God's love and presence in your life?
The reading from Isaiah this morning is a strong note of remembrance, thanks and praise that is due our Creator. We should not be merely aware of the fact that we were made in God's likeness and with our own totally unique qualities imbued for the good of all humanity. We should also be aware of the action of God's love in our daily lives, in our growth and in our successes. It would be wise and just and proper to sing our own song of praise in our hearts and lifting our voices to God.
Always love, always give thanks.
Isaiah 63:7-14
I will recount the gracious deeds of the Lord,
the praiseworthy acts of the Lord,
because of all that the Lord has done for us,
and the great favour to the house of Israel
that he has shown them according to his mercy,
according to the abundance of his steadfast love.
For he said, ‘Surely they are my people,
children who will not deal falsely’;
and he became their saviour
in all their distress.
It was no messenger or angel
but his presence that saved them;
in his love and in his pity he redeemed them;
he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.
But they rebelled
and grieved his holy spirit;
therefore he became their enemy;
he himself fought against them.
Then they remembered the days of old,
of Moses his servant.
Where is the one who brought them up out of the sea
with the shepherds of his flock?
Where is the one who put within them
his holy spirit,
who caused his glorious arm
to march at the right hand of Moses,
who divided the waters before them
to make for himself an everlasting name,
who led them through the depths?
Like a horse in the desert,
they did not stumble.
Like cattle that go down into the valley,
the spirit of the Lord gave them rest.
Thus you led your people,
to make for yourself a glorious name.
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