It is appropriate and correct to give thanks to God for everything in our life. Should we be thankful for the gifts we have been graced with? Yes. Should we be thankful for the riches we have been graced with? Well, not so fast. Does God love you more and therefore give you more than the next chap? Are you a better person and deserve more than the next fellow? Conversely, are people poor because they have done something wrong or because God loves them less? I believe God wants us all to have the best. How do you define "best"?
These are slippery slopes and dangerous abysses await when we conclude or convince ourselves that we have done something to deserve the good things we may have been graced with. Do we not have free will or does God play with us like puppets granting some more than others? How involved in our lives does God get? All interesting questions.
I think it is a mystery and that it is unlikely that God micromanages us. What God asks is that we be thankful for everything we have no matter the source, chance, luck or hard work. More important is what we do with those tools we have. What do we do with the gift of our love, our talents and our treasure?
While we sit down to eat whatever meal we are graced with, it seems wholly appropriate that we say thank you for everything. People, planet, money, home, children we are entrusted with, families we feel challenged with or whatever. We should say thank you, for it is ALL an opportunity to love and help unfold the promise and birthright of God's love and goodness in our lives.
Thank you sweet Jesus, Thank you heavenly God, thank you for the Spirit alive in us.
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