Friday, August 17, 2018


       So this is new ground from me. While I espouse the wisdom of any religion ( sans rules and rubrics ), I was compelled to take a selection from the Qur'an inspired by a coworker with whom I blessed to share an occasional discussion on faith.

        This selection of Sacred Scripture speaks of Moses, yes, thee Moses, the one we would recognize from Hebrew Scripture. You should really be aware of the connection and if you don't already, be sure to Google it at least. Here is a perfect prayer by Moses.

         Recognition of God.  Recognition that I am in need and that God is the only source of fulfillment of our needs.  Further, nothing specific and trust that God knows what it is we need and God will supply it.  How often  Have we ever prayed without asking for something specific? That is, we always seem to know what we want. Could we embrace the concept of thanksgiving for what we have and ask for whatever it is that God sees we need? No specifics from us. Let God take the wheel.

       One verse from the Qur'an and it is loaded with everything that speaks truth. We have praise, trust and acknowledgment of our need for God. Remember, God does not need us.  God wants us because we are the beloved children.  God's greatest wish is for mutual love and for us to be fulfilled as God made us.

Qur'an, Al-Qasas, Surah 28:24

So he [Moses] watered their flock for them. Then he retired into the shade and said, "My Lord, I stand in desperate need of whatever blessings You may send down for me."

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