Colossians 2:8-10
If the Ten Commandments had been delivered today I could easily see one more added that would reflect something about slavery. "Thou shall not keep slaves among you". Like the others it is very legalistic. One could argue what "among you" means and find a way around it. A rationalization if you will like we can employ with the original ten. There is that one about "thou shall not kill", not taking some one's life and yet we know it is just as easy to kill a persons spirit by demeaning them, bad mouthing them or cursing them. To me those two scenarios are just as equal.
As if Jesus recognized the inherent evil of slavery, he hastens to add caveats about slavery in today's passage from Colossians and a caveat that we need to recall today. Do not let other things besides physical slavery keep you captive. Philosophies, deceit, traditions, thoughts. Things of this world can easily keep one captive. The idea of your possessions owning you is really an excellent example. But we are more than physical beings so even spiritual things can keep us captive. Do you ruminate over things during the day - perhaps all day? We hate ear worms and I will resist planting one in you by mentioning a specific song, but we know how that can keep us captive.
This passage seems so telling to me. It is our faith moving forward by the Spirit. Slavery was a well accepted practice at the time. This sadly continued into the times of the America's and even today in many parts of the world. Astoundingly in-humane. And here we have the Spirit moving the newly faithful, the young Christian community being challenged by a new broader anti-slavery message given here in Colossians.
I am not sure how much our thoughts and prayers should be confined or refined. Let us all commit to the fact that God created us all equal in love, respect and dignity and that any form of slavery we can conjure is totally and irrevocably against God.
See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness in him, who is the head of every ruler and authority.
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