Picture it, Jerusalem, 33AD. Jesus died and rose and has reappeared to his disciples. In the reading today from Mark, these words are attributed to Jesus 'And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.’
I am not going to try any one of those things as a way of demonstrating my faith. Perhaps we could start with something a bit smaller. In fact, unless we are incredibly gifted, blessed, unique or outright crazy, I think we should stick with smaller displays for witnessing our faith.
Day 3@ after Easter Sunday. Is there a noticeable difference in us? A pep in our step? a special appreciation evidenced in our attitude? I went to St. Bart's in New York City for Easter Sunday service. I have to say I was completely overcome, on the verge of joyful tears. After retreat and outpouring of love from my husband, I was ripe for full appreciation. And then I was back to work at 6am this morning. Same 'ol , same 'ol. Shouldn't there be some change in me?
I'm not sure how this would work if everyone did it but here goes. How about evidencing our faith in perhaps the most subtle and simplest of ways. Little acts of kindness to everyone all day long. That might be a bit more challenging on the roads or when dealing with bureaucracy we might encounter but try we must if we are called as believers. Sometimes we look at grand gestures or major tasks to move mountains when all we need do is take one small shovelful and keep it going.
Instead of showing someone how we can swallow poison and survive or begin to handle snakes, how about a smile, holding a door, working alongside someone we may not feel connected to. How about standing up for an 'outsider'? I might even goes so far as to say activate yourself politically to help your fellow man. We are called with unique gifts, how about we show them off ( subtly ) in appreciation and love?
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