Here it is Lent and so in the daily scripture readings we are likely to find several instances where Jesus is either figuratively or literally on trial. Such is the reading from John today. Jesus does not need any human approval in his testimony and his testimony is unimpeachable because he is himself God (the son ). Jesus has no agenda as we humans do or as many religions do ( which of course is horribly ironic but it' s none the less, true). Jesus is all truth, no agenda.
I think we forget that when we are trying to be honest with ourselves, we do have our very own and very personal agendas. Not only that, but somehow we fail to register it in our cranium so that God, who has no agenda and is all truth, transparency and love, sees through every one of our descriptions, misrepresentations and childlike orchestrations. ( and loves us none the less )
But if we are to grow into our fully mature, fully human and fully activated selves, we need to make every attempt to strip away whatever is holding us back from being completely honest with ourselves. What Lent and life is all about.
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