Matthew 11:25-30
I never quite understood the concept of being ostracized from a group. Like in the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull from years ago, you are told you are persona non grata and yet expected to respect the rules anayway and to stay away. I always thought, if you are kicking me out, why should I still obey any of rules you have?
They gay community for far too long was told we were not worthy, we were of the devil and we certainly could not maintain any kind of meaningful relationship. We know that none of that is true but none the less countless people in the LGBTQ community were told that for generations. And so, like being ostracized, many felt no need to abide by any of the rules. The social norms were for 'them' and we had the freedom. We were free to enjoy sex without stigma. We were free to form any kind of emotional bonds and relationships we wished because we were not allowed (by law) to partake in any substantial way, the rights and obligations the law afforded. We were also free of children (for the most part) and so could devote our time and energies to work and play. By and large, what you might call the 'gay economy' had substantial amounts of money because of it.
With the Spirit moving in it's usual and mysterious ways and what one might call the 'manstreaming ' of the gay community, we have come to discover heretofore untold treasures of humanity. For me that is that I can be a gay man and know that God loves me and that I am called as a child of God to love just as everyone is called. Ignorant religious right wing nuts aside, there is growing number of religious that have seen through scriptural bastardization to see the gay community is not the evil horde many had portrayed us to be. Many inside and outside the gay community are realizing the true meaning of scripture that was long used to suppress the gay community and countless others I might add.
I have always known the joy that comes from knowing God loves me. It was not a great discovery of mine from coming to terms with my sexuality. Rather, it helped me navigate the process of coming to terms with my sexuality and coming out. But there are some distinct blessings that have come as a result of my coming out. One is the joys of St. Francis. I reluctantly appeal to a Saint that my youth would have me praying to as almost a deity unto himself but I reach out to the love and life of Francis as a Holy person of God. What a joyous gift to discover the joys of living as afforded to us by the life of St. Francis. What a joy to discover and embrace that poverty of spirit that is a means to a spiritual nirvana. What a joy to be free of the trappings of wealth and a 'keeping up with the Jones' type of mentality. What a joy to see the love of God in all His creation. Specifically the joys of our brothers and sister that grace our lives in the animal kingdom. How graced and miraculous that I can see and share the love of a cat that reveals the loving face of God. The same goes for all the animal kingdom who reveal an aspect of God that we are very often quick to dismiss or ignore.
By accepting being ostracized and villainized, the gay community has been wrongly deprived of the joys of God's world, the joys of God's love. We may be on the winning end of enjoying God's gift of sexuality but there is so much joy in the world to be revealed by the rest of God's creation. Do not let yourselves be deprived of God's love. Do not let ignorant and hateful vitriol of some churches keep you away from the gifts God so richly grants you and wants you to have. Do not let the 'churches' of ignorance and hate win.
At that time Jesus said, ‘I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’
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