Mark 1:35-38
For several years before my ordination and again afterwards, I saw a Dominican Priest regularly as my spiritual director. He was a guide, a mentor and a motivator. One of the things that I learned and remains with me today is that if you are serious about your prayer life and relationship with God, you have to set aside the time. You have to make the time.
In those early days, I worked a demanding job and had odd hours. I would wake at 3am and return home at about 2:30 or 3. I would nap, get up, do laundry, clean, cook, eat with the family and almost immediately I would be off to sleep. There didn't seem to be a lot of wiggle room in there for prayer other than those prayers we might utter and offer up all day long as we work, drive or whatever.
Eventually I realized the only time I had is the time before work and that meant getting up even earlier. One thing though, it is rather quiet at 2am and it is very dark. I continue that tradition today, it is SOP for me to get up at 3am to pray, meditate and blog. Some of you may have taken note of the publishing times for this blog. Except weekends, it is rather early in the morning.
Most days I get up it is pitch black outside. If the weather is good and conditions right, I can see the mainland in the distance, a few twinkling lights and perhaps a fishing boat that seems to like the waters out beyond our bluffs. This is my deserted place and my time to devote to very personal and dedicated prayer.
Many will not aspire to such a formula even though it is almost always like a moment of Zen when I wake up. I am keenly aware of all of my blessings, the handsome husband sound asleep and the cat who lifts his head a bit as if to say good morning in a mild nod of recognition.
Even though that may seem light years away to some it is none the less what we are called to do in one form or another. Perhaps for you it may be time in a park or during a silent walk at lunch. Whatever your choice is in search of God and an increased relationship with our creator, a decision does need to be made. Relationships always require commitment and time. Start small perhaps but make the decision to pray. Anything that you find prayerful and helpful. I was never one that liked the rosary but any kind of prayer will do. Just some time to listen in silence is a wonderful gift to you and God.
In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, ‘Everyone is searching for you.’ He answered, ‘Let us go on to the neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.’
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