Colossians 3:1-4
How does the transition begin? You are a worldly person, blessed with money and you have all the material things you need and want. Your life is graced by almost any standard. Of course this by itself does not make you completely happy. You may still feel an emptiness as if there is more to life, and there is.
How do you proceed when you have that emptiness? You have. Your needs are met. People love you and want to be with you. You are unhappy. You feel that emptiness. Why? Because you know there is more to life.
Some people search (in vain) for fulfillment it yet more things or a new spouse or doing 'exciting things'. Most realize at some point in their life that happiness comes in God. And by that I mean realizing there is a supreme being that created us, loves us and that God is our ultimate destination. Happiness comes in knowing that we actively express the love of God, our creator.
Some people realize this very young, some realize it in middle age and some have that 'ah ha' moment on their death bed. For those of us that know a person who realized it earlier in life what happiness comes from it stands out. Such self knowledge is magnetic, charismatic and people that hold this truth always have a peace about them.
If you are a person that has not had this revelation the people that have seem almost crazy. The value judgements and decision making process is quite different.
All this comes flowing into my mind as I read this passage. It also has do with the fact that two of my neighbors (who are related) lost a child. There are grieving parents and a grieving uncle. The 24 year old son who died is clearly no longer suffering and I believe he is in the comforting and loving arms of God. No doubt about it. If he didn't get it before, he has had his 'ah ha' moment and he now 'gets it'.
Using my previous analogies, the survivors are neither all materialistic nor fully spiritual. Like the rest of us they are on a journey. So it is with some great difficulty that they try to deal with the death of this young man. They know the answers in their heads but their hearts ache. The ripping away of this cherished life in our physical world was ripped from them suddenly without warning. I get it, I get their pain and sorrow. Really, I cannot say any of this to them, I can only be present and listen.
I wish I could perform a Vulcan mind meld so that I could help them know how at peace their son is. I pray they can deal with the physical loss and know that his love still lives in their hearts and minds.
In the agony in the garden, Jesus knew full well he would have his physicality, his humanity ripped away on the cross. He would be torn away from the ones he loved so deeply (in a physical sense), the ones he broke bread with, the ones he slept with and joked with. The agony of separation is all too human even when you know the glory that awaits on the other side.
But the knowledge helps. In the mean time, love and listen, be at peace and let us be present to each other.
So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.
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