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John Boswell |
When supposed conservative wingnuts rant about gays redefining marriage or say "they don't get to do that" I tend to bristle. I usually counter that traditional marriage isn't what most people think it is. The 'traditional' definition of marriage as witnessed by holy Scripture includes bartering for a spouse, selling of daughters into marriage, concubines gallore and of course, polygamy. The story of Lot's two daughters getting dear old dad drunk so they could have sex with him isn't exactly an Ozzie and Harriet moment. Certainly it isn't what so called conservatives want people to think of either but it is right there in scripture as well as so much more.
There is a mountain of evidence that the gay community is not redefining anything. If anything, it is consistent with the relatively new 'straight' concept of humans marrying for love. Love had not really been a part of most marriages. At least they were not based on it. If it came later it was a blessing. Marriages were more likely arranged by parents for the purpose of enlarging farms, as business deals and to raise cash and herds. That would be, 'I will sell you my daughters hand in marriage for 15 goats and 3 sheep'.
This is not to say that there are not great love stories in scripture. Love is held high, it just wasn't the norm. A business transaction was the norm, women were chattel. I would hasten to add that some of the the most beautiful love stories are in scripture, several notable ones involve same sex couples. Jonathan and David, Ruth and Naomi, the Centurion and his 'slave'. The history of Christ's church is replete with saints that lived as couples and had been recognized as such. Until that is, it was not expedient to the agenda the church was selling. Some of these were Perpetua and Felicity, Saints Polyeuct and Nearchus and also Saints Sergius and Bacchus. All celebrated same sex couples.
Aside from scripture there is this man named John Boswell who contributed greatly to the research, study and recognition that same sex couples existed, were recognized and even celebrated long before our modern era. So called conservatives will make no mention of this. John Boswell created a full body of work that remains with us even though he has returned to God for his heavenly reward. Some of his groundbreaking and affirming works are Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the 14th Century and also Same-sex Unions in Pre-modern Europe.
I write this all, perhaps in more detail than I previously have over the years because there is so much misinformation, lies and religious bias out there. There is no penalty for blatantly lying about such things in the media or on the internet. Revisionist history seems a specialty of religious fanaticism everywhere. More importantly than this though, the reason I wish to restate all these facts is to pay homage to John Boswell and his works. he was a man of faith, a gay man and a very good man. We were blessed to have you and sad that you left us at only 47 years old. God Bless you John. Thank you.
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