2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Well, here it is, an omaj to the Roman Catholic church. Not something you would hear from someone whom they consider to be "intrinsically disordered". None the less, this reading begs me to write such good words. If not the hierarchy and the bureaucratic BS, then of the faithful and the true essence of the church that began when Jesus 'handed' Peter the keys to his church on this earthly plain.
For whatever faults we assign (legitimately) to the Roman Catholic church and no matter how well deserved they may be, there are truths and history that we all can be grateful for. Not everything was as bad as some of us recall. The Spirit of God is alive in spite of the their apparent efforts to quash the life out of the church with all the rules and rubrics that even Jesus himself would have railed against.
So what of religious roots? Well, who was it who taught me to pray when I had a yearning to be close to God? Who saw that I was different and filled me with love and support so that I knew I was a beloved child of God? Who taught me the rights and wrongs? Who is it that gave me the tools to study scripture and seek out God's words and their meaning? Who gave me the wisdom to seek out the real meaning of passages and not let the literalist bible bingo-ists keep my brain and love closeted? These are all personal notations. God has placed good people in my path, in my life and graced me with the ability to see what exactly I have so graced with.
That sounds more like an omaj to God and the faithful loving people that have graced my life. So what of the actual RCC? I'm not sure how God judges history since he is not bound by our cute concept of time. None the less, it is He who will put into balance the evils perpetuated by institutional churches and the good deeds and intent of some of their actions. Sincere efforts at wisdom and knowledge. Sincere seeking of God's plan. The artifacts and history of a people whose sole goal is to love and serve God. In many ways the evils and violence that we can read about in Hebrew scripture is not unlike the barbarism perpetuated by the Roman Catholics in inquisitions and the crusades. For all the bad, there is in fact a great deal of goodness. Even today, in their ignorance and will to power, there are good actions of the faithful whose only goal is to be good, loving children of God. In so many ways the people of God are considerably more advanced than the hierarchy.
But these are the roots of my faith and so many others. Somehow, our faith and dignity cannot be squashed in spite of being told we are intrinsically disordered or the supposed real cause of the pedophilia scandals. That kind of blame game only highlights the evils of the institutional church. The Spirit is alive and so out of whatever evils the Church may foster or perpetuate comes whole peoples who can sift out that it is God's love that truly matters. We can place aside all the 'stuff' for the the fundamental truths that we are beloved children of God with innate goodness who are called to holiness and wholeness just like everyone else.
For whatever faults we assign (legitimately) to the Roman Catholic church and no matter how well deserved they may be, there are truths and history that we all can be grateful for. Not everything was as bad as some of us recall. The Spirit of God is alive in spite of the their apparent efforts to quash the life out of the church with all the rules and rubrics that even Jesus himself would have railed against.
So what of religious roots? Well, who was it who taught me to pray when I had a yearning to be close to God? Who saw that I was different and filled me with love and support so that I knew I was a beloved child of God? Who taught me the rights and wrongs? Who is it that gave me the tools to study scripture and seek out God's words and their meaning? Who gave me the wisdom to seek out the real meaning of passages and not let the literalist bible bingo-ists keep my brain and love closeted? These are all personal notations. God has placed good people in my path, in my life and graced me with the ability to see what exactly I have so graced with.
That sounds more like an omaj to God and the faithful loving people that have graced my life. So what of the actual RCC? I'm not sure how God judges history since he is not bound by our cute concept of time. None the less, it is He who will put into balance the evils perpetuated by institutional churches and the good deeds and intent of some of their actions. Sincere efforts at wisdom and knowledge. Sincere seeking of God's plan. The artifacts and history of a people whose sole goal is to love and serve God. In many ways the evils and violence that we can read about in Hebrew scripture is not unlike the barbarism perpetuated by the Roman Catholics in inquisitions and the crusades. For all the bad, there is in fact a great deal of goodness. Even today, in their ignorance and will to power, there are good actions of the faithful whose only goal is to be good, loving children of God. In so many ways the people of God are considerably more advanced than the hierarchy.
But these are the roots of my faith and so many others. Somehow, our faith and dignity cannot be squashed in spite of being told we are intrinsically disordered or the supposed real cause of the pedophilia scandals. That kind of blame game only highlights the evils of the institutional church. The Spirit is alive and so out of whatever evils the Church may foster or perpetuate comes whole peoples who can sift out that it is God's love that truly matters. We can place aside all the 'stuff' for the the fundamental truths that we are beloved children of God with innate goodness who are called to holiness and wholeness just like everyone else.
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it,
and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly urge you:
proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires,
and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths.
As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully.
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