Luke 14:27-33
One of the joyous things about Baptism is that it speaks of new life, a new beginning. The child is the foundation for the future. At the same time the parents are obliged to lay down the proper foundation for the child to be able to built that future. The fundamental message is how loved they are, unreservedly so. How unique and valuable they are as a person. To instill self respect, dignity and the ability to learn and love. It is quite a challenge. As Baptism is a communal Sacrament, the challenge is to the entire assembled community. It Takes a Village is quite true. We all have a role.
What roles will we play and what foundation shall we lay for this child? What foundation is essential for all us?
We all must be loved sufficiently by our parents and those around us so that we realize just how much a gift each of truly is. God gifts each one of us to this world. We are not owned by anyone. We do not own anyone. But we must nurture the knowledge that we we are unique and beautiful creations of God. This is a fundamental foundation. There must be assertive discipline along the way but more than anything, love.
This is not any easy task. We have all been damaged as we grow up and so to ask us to create perfection in children is not an easy task as I said. And after all we are not God. But we know how how lovable and pure children are, we should respect that and build on that. Never diminish their worth, we must not restrict our love, always nourishing the child. In this way, the resulting adult will be better off, more well adjusted, more reflective of the beauty that God has graced us with. To damage the purity of a child seems to be one of the most awful sins one could commit. Harm to a child certainly betrays the Baptismal promises we make for the child.
I suppose when I read this passage and read about proper foundations I cannot help but think of the children because I am a newly minted grandfather, twice over. I see the purity, the hope and the unrestricted love for these beautiful babies.
I am in awe of such a beautiful gift that God has entrusted the parents with. I am in awe of new life, new hope and the wonder of creation. Praise God. Honor the mission of foundation.
We all must be loved sufficiently by our parents and those around us so that we realize just how much a gift each of truly is. God gifts each one of us to this world. We are not owned by anyone. We do not own anyone. But we must nurture the knowledge that we we are unique and beautiful creations of God. This is a fundamental foundation. There must be assertive discipline along the way but more than anything, love.
This is not any easy task. We have all been damaged as we grow up and so to ask us to create perfection in children is not an easy task as I said. And after all we are not God. But we know how how lovable and pure children are, we should respect that and build on that. Never diminish their worth, we must not restrict our love, always nourishing the child. In this way, the resulting adult will be better off, more well adjusted, more reflective of the beauty that God has graced us with. To damage the purity of a child seems to be one of the most awful sins one could commit. Harm to a child certainly betrays the Baptismal promises we make for the child.
I suppose when I read this passage and read about proper foundations I cannot help but think of the children because I am a newly minted grandfather, twice over. I see the purity, the hope and the unrestricted love for these beautiful babies.
I am in awe of such a beautiful gift that God has entrusted the parents with. I am in awe of new life, new hope and the wonder of creation. Praise God. Honor the mission of foundation.
Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to ridicule him, saying, “This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.” Or what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? If he cannot, then, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for the terms of peace. So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.
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