1 Timothy 6:12-16
When I hear "good confession" a thousand images stream through my mind from years of Catholic school, retreats and sermons. But what stands out? The best confession is accepting the Lord's invitation to love and intimacy. That is, Jesus Christ is Lord! Yes, confess your belief. Let it be known and not be a closet Christian.
Very often we get caught up in the rubrics of religion. And that's not to say we obey all of them. Some do of course and that's an issue unto itself. The rubrics become the religion more than their actual faith. But many people have a clear faith, a relationship with their creator that allows the light of the Lord to shine through without attachment to all the fluff. Sadly, many people get caught up denying their faith over resentment of the myriad rules. Letting rules or even individuals mediate your faith, no matter how charismatic and loving they are is wrong. All that is needed is the good confession.
In pronouncing Jesus Christ is Lord! we are professing a true faith, a personally sent invitation that is being accepted. It is a true faith between you and God, no intermediaries.
I recall a time not too many years ago when my pastor was accused of some very disturbing things. Some of them were true, most were not. The mere accusation threw me into a tailspin because for some reason I really felt like my faith, my relationship with God was mediated in some way by him. I would not have said it in words but I obviously felt that way. Funny thing is, I have made that good confession and I am known for saying it just a bit louder than every other seminarian in evening prayer.
Let us all try this week of all weeks to find the courage to outwardly say aloud that Jesus Christ is Lord. It seems to me that not saying it is a slap in the face for all the the torture and torment Jesus went through for us.
This week we will count down to Easter, a glorious celebration of hope, love, resurrection and new life. Let us be bold and accept totally the invitation sent to each and every one of us by responding with the good confession. Jesus Christ is Lord!
Tomorrow, more on confessions.
When I hear "good confession" a thousand images stream through my mind from years of Catholic school, retreats and sermons. But what stands out? The best confession is accepting the Lord's invitation to love and intimacy. That is, Jesus Christ is Lord! Yes, confess your belief. Let it be known and not be a closet Christian.
Very often we get caught up in the rubrics of religion. And that's not to say we obey all of them. Some do of course and that's an issue unto itself. The rubrics become the religion more than their actual faith. But many people have a clear faith, a relationship with their creator that allows the light of the Lord to shine through without attachment to all the fluff. Sadly, many people get caught up denying their faith over resentment of the myriad rules. Letting rules or even individuals mediate your faith, no matter how charismatic and loving they are is wrong. All that is needed is the good confession.
In pronouncing Jesus Christ is Lord! we are professing a true faith, a personally sent invitation that is being accepted. It is a true faith between you and God, no intermediaries.
I recall a time not too many years ago when my pastor was accused of some very disturbing things. Some of them were true, most were not. The mere accusation threw me into a tailspin because for some reason I really felt like my faith, my relationship with God was mediated in some way by him. I would not have said it in words but I obviously felt that way. Funny thing is, I have made that good confession and I am known for saying it just a bit louder than every other seminarian in evening prayer.
Let us all try this week of all weeks to find the courage to outwardly say aloud that Jesus Christ is Lord. It seems to me that not saying it is a slap in the face for all the the torture and torment Jesus went through for us.
This week we will count down to Easter, a glorious celebration of hope, love, resurrection and new life. Let us be bold and accept totally the invitation sent to each and every one of us by responding with the good confession. Jesus Christ is Lord!
Tomorrow, more on confessions.
Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep the commandment without spot or blame until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he will bring about at the right time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is he alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honour and eternal dominion. Amen.
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