Isaiah 45:18-19
I've seen postings on Facebook that ask the question "what's going on?" The postings list people who have died or some of the sadder events in the news. Is this chaos? Is this the end times? Jesus clearly stated that not even He knew the day or hour of 'the end', that it was only for the Father to know. As for the end times, the early Apostles and the early church thought they lived in the end times and that it would happen soon, certainly in their lifetime. The church had to make some adjustments to that belief.
As for the chaos that we seem to recognize at times, it is more often the result of a natural process of life (like death) or the result of some malady mankind has conjured up from their own ways. Either individually, the results of our lies, deceit, murder or something like drunk drivers killing people. Maybe it was a result of social sin, allowing slavery, allowing poverty, starvation? Or perhaps disrespecting our mother earth and the resultant reaction ( as in global warming ) with super-storms and massive ice melts.. What I am getting at is that any chaos we seem to see is not of God. As I stated yesterday though, God will be with us during such times of chaos but it is not from God. I laugh sadly at those religious zealots of the right who would have you believe Sandy impacted the Northeast because of homosexuality or some other equally silly reason. I find it inconsistent with our loving God that such disasters would be foisted on any area killing people, the innocent and so called guilty alike. A loving God would not be evidenced in such a manner.
But if not chaos, what? There are rules of the universe that God created. The more we know, the more it seems we do not know. If humanity does discover a 'God particle' ( as purported in Angels and Demons ), it will only serve to cause more uncertainty as to where that particle came from. What we may view as chaos is really very orderly, we just may not be smart enough or wise enough to discern it yet. The intricacies of this world and the diversity are a glimpse at how magnificent God is. It is a hint of his glory that we cannot fully grasp, and never will.
But know that there is no chaos, less it be man made in some fashion. No matter what, know that God loves you and counts every hair on your head, cherishing you as his beloved son ( or daughter ).
God, forever a lover of man.
I've seen postings on Facebook that ask the question "what's going on?" The postings list people who have died or some of the sadder events in the news. Is this chaos? Is this the end times? Jesus clearly stated that not even He knew the day or hour of 'the end', that it was only for the Father to know. As for the end times, the early Apostles and the early church thought they lived in the end times and that it would happen soon, certainly in their lifetime. The church had to make some adjustments to that belief.
As for the chaos that we seem to recognize at times, it is more often the result of a natural process of life (like death) or the result of some malady mankind has conjured up from their own ways. Either individually, the results of our lies, deceit, murder or something like drunk drivers killing people. Maybe it was a result of social sin, allowing slavery, allowing poverty, starvation? Or perhaps disrespecting our mother earth and the resultant reaction ( as in global warming ) with super-storms and massive ice melts.. What I am getting at is that any chaos we seem to see is not of God. As I stated yesterday though, God will be with us during such times of chaos but it is not from God. I laugh sadly at those religious zealots of the right who would have you believe Sandy impacted the Northeast because of homosexuality or some other equally silly reason. I find it inconsistent with our loving God that such disasters would be foisted on any area killing people, the innocent and so called guilty alike. A loving God would not be evidenced in such a manner.
But if not chaos, what? There are rules of the universe that God created. The more we know, the more it seems we do not know. If humanity does discover a 'God particle' ( as purported in Angels and Demons ), it will only serve to cause more uncertainty as to where that particle came from. What we may view as chaos is really very orderly, we just may not be smart enough or wise enough to discern it yet. The intricacies of this world and the diversity are a glimpse at how magnificent God is. It is a hint of his glory that we cannot fully grasp, and never will.
But know that there is no chaos, less it be man made in some fashion. No matter what, know that God loves you and counts every hair on your head, cherishing you as his beloved son ( or daughter ).
God, forever a lover of man.
For thus says the Lord,
who created the heavens
(he is God!),
who formed the earth and made it
(he established it;
he did not create it a chaos,
he formed it to be inhabited!):
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
I did not speak in secret,
in a land of darkness;
I did not say to the offspring of Jacob,
‘Seek me in chaos.’
I the Lord speak the truth,
I declare what is right.
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