Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Advent day 5
I've heard so called orthodox Catholics say that they would like to purge the church of all those who disagree with church teaching or otherwise have a problem with the church's authority. The church would be smaller they argue but it would be a purer church. I'm not up on trends in Judaism but I suspect that this idea might be spoken about in that faith as well. Very likely it is true with Muslims who argue one sect is holier than another. And so it goes. The line can be repeated just like the reading, not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, not everyone who says Yahweh, Yahweh; Mohammed, Mohammed or whatever the faith might be.
Is this what Jesus walked the earth for? Is this what he taught and preached? A pure church? Is it all or nothing? Blind faith and strict adherence to the law? What makes anyone a rock of faith? Even Peter denied Jesus three times. "Jesus who?" Peter might have said and yet he is considered the father of the church, the first shepherd to lead the flock of fledgling Christians.
Perhaps it is true that Jesus sees what is in your heart and that is what what will give a free pass into heaven. Perhaps it is the holiest of holies, the red robed, beanie capped Cardinals that are the people who claim Lord, Lord and they will be turned away at the gates. I will confess that I love thoughts like that and then I ask for forgiveness because I know it's not right to think that way even if it is true.
Is this what Jesus walked the earth for? Is this what he taught and preached? A pure church? Is it all or nothing? Blind faith and strict adherence to the law? What makes anyone a rock of faith? Even Peter denied Jesus three times. "Jesus who?" Peter might have said and yet he is considered the father of the church, the first shepherd to lead the flock of fledgling Christians.
Perhaps it is true that Jesus sees what is in your heart and that is what what will give a free pass into heaven. Perhaps it is the holiest of holies, the red robed, beanie capped Cardinals that are the people who claim Lord, Lord and they will be turned away at the gates. I will confess that I love thoughts like that and then I ask for forgiveness because I know it's not right to think that way even if it is true.
So where does this leave us on day 5 of Advent? If claiming Lord, Lord is not the answer and what is in your heart is the answer, what are we called to do if anything? I've written about receiving the light of Christ, receiving a tailor made gift from God. If our heart is true and faithful, true and thankful, it should well up with appreciation and a desire to do something. Not only is this season about receiving a gift from God, it also is about giving. Only your heart can tell how to do this. It has everything to do with talents and treasure and nothing to do with buying the best coffee maker, standing on line or shoving people to get this years must have present.
What can you give to God, the 'man' that has everything? The only gift worthy for God is the gift that comes from your heart. This is a tough one isn't it? Start thinking. What do you get for the guy who has absolutely everything?
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,'
will enter the Kingdom of heaven,
but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
"Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them
will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.
The rain fell, the floods came,
and the winds blew and buffeted the house.
But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.
And everyone who listens to these words of mine
but does not act on them
will be like a fool who built his house on sand.
The rain fell, the floods came,
and the winds blew and buffeted the house.
And it collapsed and was completely ruined.
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