Luke 17:20-25
Heaven on earth
Heaven on earth
Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!” For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among
Then he said to the disciples, ‘The days are coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. They will say to you, “Look there!” or “Look here!” Do not go, do not set off in pursuit. For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. But first he must endure much suffering and be rejected by this generation.
About ten years ago I went with a group of fellow seminarians to missions in the poorest part of the Dominican Republic, high in the mountains 2 miles from the Haitian border. These people were really poor and yet they were happy and very faithful people. That's one of the reasons we went, to experience their joyful lives. We got more from the visit by far than anything they received from us. The beauty of the surroundings and the people made it seem like heaven on earth.
This makes me wonder about what makes people happy? If the kingdom is among us, what allows us to see it? I am beginning to believe that it is a state of mind more than anything else. I could give you 100 reasons why I am happy. If I chose to, I could give you another 100 reasons why I could, perhaps even should, be sad. I've seen a lot of sad things in my life but I am overwhelmed by the joy. I'm sure there are people who would dwell on the sad things - there certainly is enough sadness around. I do ache for some of the sad things I see but it does not overcome the joy that is in my heart, the joy that is in my life. My husband says we could be happy anywhere as long as we are together and I know it's true. I can be impressed by material things but I know they do not bring true happiness.
Is heaven a state of joy that we can have here on earth? The reading says that the kingdom is among us. Why not here? Why not now ? Why not you?
Perhaps a conversion of heart is needed to find all the joy that is already in our lives but I know my heart is converted. I find joy in almost everything. I've been told I can find the silver lining in anything. I'm not sure which comes first the conversion of heart or the acknowledgement of all that is good and the thankfulness for it but I know I am incredibly thankful and to me heaven can be the here and now.
I beleive conversion starts with a very thankful heart. A really good meditation would be to acknowledge all the things we do have to be thankful for. A fitting preparation for our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
About ten years ago I went with a group of fellow seminarians to missions in the poorest part of the Dominican Republic, high in the mountains 2 miles from the Haitian border. These people were really poor and yet they were happy and very faithful people. That's one of the reasons we went, to experience their joyful lives. We got more from the visit by far than anything they received from us. The beauty of the surroundings and the people made it seem like heaven on earth.
This makes me wonder about what makes people happy? If the kingdom is among us, what allows us to see it? I am beginning to believe that it is a state of mind more than anything else. I could give you 100 reasons why I am happy. If I chose to, I could give you another 100 reasons why I could, perhaps even should, be sad. I've seen a lot of sad things in my life but I am overwhelmed by the joy. I'm sure there are people who would dwell on the sad things - there certainly is enough sadness around. I do ache for some of the sad things I see but it does not overcome the joy that is in my heart, the joy that is in my life. My husband says we could be happy anywhere as long as we are together and I know it's true. I can be impressed by material things but I know they do not bring true happiness.
Is heaven a state of joy that we can have here on earth? The reading says that the kingdom is among us. Why not here? Why not now ? Why not you?
Perhaps a conversion of heart is needed to find all the joy that is already in our lives but I know my heart is converted. I find joy in almost everything. I've been told I can find the silver lining in anything. I'm not sure which comes first the conversion of heart or the acknowledgement of all that is good and the thankfulness for it but I know I am incredibly thankful and to me heaven can be the here and now.
I beleive conversion starts with a very thankful heart. A really good meditation would be to acknowledge all the things we do have to be thankful for. A fitting preparation for our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
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