Matthew 13:18-23
Sowing seeds
I watched my son play tennis in so many matches and I never understood the scoring system. I heard words like 'love' and numbers that made absolutely no sense to me. That was 10 years ago or more. Fast forward to 4 years ago and I was asked to play and somehow it all made sense. For whatever reason, at the age of 51, I took up tennis and it all made sense and I picked it up pretty well. What seemed like Klingon to me now seems like my native tongue.
I'm not wise enough to know why stuff like that happens but I'm wise enough to know that it does.
Sometime in spite of our best efforts, we just don't get it. We try at something, anything - you fill in the blanks - and we fail. At some point further on in our journey of life we succeed at the very same thing. And that is one of the two points that comes to mind about the sowing of seeds.
One is that we are on a journey. A life trip to wholeness and everyone's journey is different. Some are similar but all are different. We should respect that, cherish that and even learn from that. Somethings we will 'get' or learn or grow in the knowledge of and then other things may never take root in us. One person may learn something at 17 that another may not learn until they are 70. It's not for us to judge.
The second point to this parable of the sowing of the seeds is that whatever our path is, whatever and where ever we are on our journey, we should give ourselves the best chance of success. If we are talking spiritual growth - give the time needed for prayer, for listening. Listening is key. So is time set aside to worship. The same is true for any endeaver. If we join weight watchers we have planted a seed. What 'soil' have we planted it in if we head off to KFC or to the chinese buffet? We have to be realsitic and give our journey the best chance at growing and flourishing.
In sowing our seed well, in proper soil with proper furtilizer, we are respecting our talents and ourselves. We are honouring and respecting our own journey and perhaps most imortantly we are honouring and praising our God that created us. God wants us to be what he created each of us individually to be in all our glory. Shine my little flower and grow!
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